Facilities Master Plan
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
How do we get there?
A good facilities master plan is a living, actionable document that addresses all of the district facilities needs over a given timeframe and utilizes the District Strategic Education Plan as its underpinning. There are several steps in creating a facilities master plan.
1. Perform a Detailed Facilities Conditions Assessment
(Visual Assessment and Photo Documentation):
Assess current existing conditions across following 11 components:
Site (roads/walks/pavement, drainage, playground equipment, separation of vehicles)
Exterior Envelope (roofs, walls, windows, doors/frames/hardware & sealants)
Interior Materials & Finishes (walls, flooring, ceilings, windows, doors/frames/hardware, paint, FF&E)
Hazardous Materials (presence of and abatement plan if any)
Life Safety (incorporate current Life Safety Survey and update as necessary)
Structural System
Mechanical System (HVAC, Plumbing & Fire Protection)
Electrical System (Power, Lighting, Low Voltage & Security)
Technology (Educational Technology, Communications)
Educational Adequacy (utilize A4LE’s assessment tool)
Future Expandability
Interview Facilities Personnel for anecdotal information and maintenance records.
Review and Incorporate previous facilities reports and studies undertaken by the district to address open issues
Develop “Menu” of anticipated cost to remediate each deficiency by component
2. Present Findings of Existing Conditions w/Costs to Administration and BoE
3. Prioritize Educational Goals & Objectives:
Overlay Strategic Educational Plan
Identify windows of remediation and implementation
Immediate: 0-12 months (Life Safety, Security & Weather tightness)
Short Term: 1yr – 3yrs (Near End of Life of Materials & Systems, Program Changes)
Mid-Term: 4yrs – 10yrs. (Anticipated End of Life of Materials & Systems)
Long Term: > 10yrs