Community Engagement
Community Engagement brings people together, gathers and provides information, and gives people a voice.
A community engagement process leads to a comprehensive plan that is developed through the input, cooperation and consensus of the community.
This Process Yields a Plan that:
Is responsive to community needs and supported at the grassroots level.
Enhances community understanding of the district's mission and programs.
Improves overall communication.
Builds trust between the district and the community it serves.
Critical Elements:
Large Number of Participants​
Internal Buy-in and Support
True Two-Way Communication
Good Information
Clear Mission and Agenda
Action and Accountability
Vision of Excellence
With these elements in mind, a process is created to help communities understand the challenges facing the district, while making them part of the solution.
The Process:
Form a Steering Committee to oversee the overall program and plan.
Brand the Process - make it a thing.
Organize Planning Workshops with large numbers of community members.
Create Effective Two-Way Communications between residents and the district.
Develop Community Understanding - have they bought in?
Establish a Volunteer Network that will lay the foundation of support to implement the plan.